September is the beginning of the school year in many countries and September 1st is the so called “Day of Knowledge” in my home country of Russia. September 4th is as good a day as any for us to begin our new blogging adventures. Us being Bryce and Anya. You’ll find posts from both of us on this site (should be able to tell them apart 😉 ) as Anya’s will have an abundance of eye terms and mayhem teaching trips abroad (her forte) and Bryce’s will likely be somewhat mathey and cryptic (he’s really good at those) or food-related (he’s iron chef level at that).
As we learn to document our adventures, it will become quite obvious that we are both passionate about kayaking and outdoor adventures. One of the goals of this site is inspire others to explore the waterways of our planet while volunteering our time for causes we believe in.
Enjoy the journey and write back often!