Month of May-be

dear covid diary– Somehow the month of May slid by in a way that is mysterious. We started by going to a testing appointment and ended with 2 teeth on Memorial day. One of my favorite parts of May (usually) is the family vacation every year. This year for Bryce’s family it happened virtually and for my family not at all.

It was fun that the two families could join in virtually with zoom yoga with Heather, even Tosha took part! On my end, I can’t remember the last time I did any type of yoga 🙁 at least I have attempted it to so the mindfulness practice, but the body practice? Nope, not happening.

That aside, today we had our first visitor EVER? not counting a contractor for a repair. We dutifully set out plates and teacups and realized that with masks, this social ritual is not super doable.

We all reminisced when we might get to some semblance of normalcy in the world, but no guesses came. If I follow advice of our pediatrician at her 9 mo visit today: peds is returning back to the office in July… maybe then?

One thing that has me feeling less glim is my friend from work called and told me the Covid hug she invented: turn around and bump butts must be on the high list of low risk contact!

Also, a resident posted a really valuable quote that I will share here:

“Life brings disruptions. The response is your choice. Be bitter or be better.”

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