Gamma Visit!

Tosha, Bryce and i had a great visit to Gamma in Independence Ohio this weekend. We drove up for the day. The day started with a breakfast and playing with my parents: she likes to sing, read books, and explore new textures: Clancy’s shaggy coat included. After that we loaded up the car and drove North. Around an hour later it was time to fuel up the car, but also Tosha so that she could take a power nap. After all, trips like this are quite exciting! She did an excellent job powernapping in the coccoon of the JJ Cole carseat cover. This thing is ingenius if you haven’t tried it! After that we arrived at Gamma’s assisted living home and met her in the small library. Tosha was sleeping at first, so we let her wake up slowly and take in her new surroundings! Imagine how different this place looks and feels than what you are used to?! After a quick nappie change, we geared up for a Mediterranean lunch and Tosha dug into celery (her first time having it!) And loved it!

Then we went to Gamma’s apartment and played tummy time on the floor while everyone else looked through old photos. Tosha liked looking at the black and white classics of her relatives 🙂

When it was time for Gamma to go to dinner, we packed up and hugged and kissed her and our aunty Wendy goodbye and set off for home (with a short detour to a Russian store to check out their kid book collection!).

While Bryce explored Russian bookshelves and storeshelves, mama and Tosha watched the sunset, snuggled with milk and dosed off to sleep in the coZy carseat. Tosha slept the whole way back home, and transferred out of the carseat to her crib and continued sleeping after a full day of adventures with Gamma.

It was a great way to spend a Leap Day!

Enjoying celery with Gamma and auntie Wendy
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