weird times call

it doesn’t seem that long ago that the pandemic was raging, and the world seemed to be imploding….all possible normalcy ground to a halt. It was hard to see far enough ahead to make any plans. It f

elt I wouldn’t see peoples chins and noses and lips again. But then there was a sudden halt and a war broke out. It was like cov*d was cancelled by something much much worse. Senseless war in Europe. It has been 3 months. 3 months of silence.

then on the other side of the cov*dolypse, I found another obstacle. People stopped talking to one another. Initially about controversial topics or where opinions greatly differ, and later about even the simple, mundane things that make life go round.

how to find center again? I learned to not dwell on past or perseverate on the future and instead breathe in each breath with gratitude and exhale compassion. I may not know what is best in the long run, but try to follow what’s best right now. Spending time with a friend by the pool so she can temporarily rest from the constant worry for her family members, or learn how to be a stingray with Toten and brave ballet class.

I now know to push onward and find the path for our little family amidst this chaos is imperative and can be done by embracing every bit of the present moment.

the present moment included Tosha getting a letter in the mail from Regina in Poland and a Taco Party invitation from the neighbors. Finally, some hints that communication is being restored.

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